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How To Take A Field
can print this using the Print button on your browser.)
- Click on the Field Trip List link above.
- Select a field trip from the list.
- View the Trailhead, the Teacher's Resources, or click
on Start Field Trip.
Ease of Navigation:
Field Trip Control Panel
The Field Trip Control Panel makes moving from one site to the
next as easy as clicking a single button. Whenever you take a field trip,
the control panel will be displayed.
You move forward and back through field trips using the Control Panel.
Once you start a field trip, you'll see the panel located in the lower
right of the page. You can leave the field trip to explore links without
getting lost, and return whenever you want using the Return to Tour
button (located top row, center, on the Control Panel).

Detail: Control
Panel Buttons
to Next Stop moves you to the next trail marker
on the trip.
to Tour returns you to the trail marker you left from when
you click a link on a page that takes you off the trip.
Go to
Previous Stop backs you up to the last trail marker you visited.
Tour Itinerary
displays a list of all trail markers (or pages) on the trip.
Expand Itinerary displays a listing of each stop on
the field trip, its accompanying narration, and the visited URL.
displays help on using the player.
Tour returns you to the first trail marker of the current
field trip.
Load Tour allows you to pre-load (cache) the tour to
simulate a high-bandwidth connection. You can click the button at any
point during a tour to cache the remainder of the trip's stops.
Tour ends the field trip.